Sunday, 16 October 2011

'NatWest' and the 'Military Grade Encryption' scam


Military Grade Encryption is Only the Start

At NatWest, we want to increase your security and comfort
level with every transaction. From our Buyer and Seller
Protection Policies to our Verification and Reputation
systems, we'll help to keep you safe.

We recently noticed one or more attempts to log in to your
NatWest account from a foreign IP address and we have
reasons to belive that your account was compromised by a third party
without your authorization.

If you recently accessed your account while traveling, the
unusual log in attempts may have been initiated by you.
However, if you are the rightfull holder of the
account, download the form attached to this email, fill the form
and then submit as we try to verify your identity.

If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choise
but to temporaly suspend your account.

We ask that you allow at least 72 hours for the case to be
investigated and we strongly recommend to verify (sic) your
account in that time.

Best Regards,
Customer Communications

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